lie #5


She sat on the tailgate of the truck and let her legs dangle over the side.  She looked down at her shoes and watched her shoelaces dance in swirly patterns against the dark tar of the freshly paved parking lot.  She knew that the silence was about to transition from acceptable and poignant into awkward.  She looked up at him, and squinted against the bright sunlight.  He was looking away, pretending to be interested in the chaos that can only be created by a dismissal bell on a hot, almost summer day.  Truth be told, he didn’t care at all what was happening over there, but he sure as hell didn’t want her to know that.

“Hello?  I’m over here.”  She swung her leg out to catch his.  Maybe she could lighten the mood.

He looked back at her trying to look more angry than hurt.  He failed. She had failed too.  There was no lightening this mood.  Not today.   She could tell from the furrow of his brows that she had hurt him.  Fortunately for her, she had the advantage of being 17 and not really caring.

“Listen, if it’s going to be a big deal, I won’t go.  I don’t want to piss you off.” Lie #1

“No,” he answered, searching the crowd again, “It’s not a big deal.  It’s fine.” Lie #2

“Baby, I can tell you’re upset.  I don’t want you to be all upset all weekend.” Lie #3

I won’t be, you and me, we can go another time.  You go.  Have fun.” Lie #4

“Are you sure?”

“Of course.  It’s no big deal.  I’ll be here when you get home.” Lie #5

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